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Crystal Info

Abalone Shell

Affirmation: "The healing energy of the ocean flows within me."

African Turquoise

Affirmation: "I stay true to myself and follow the path of my heart's desires."


Affirmation: "I face life's challenges with courage and confidence."


Affirmation: "I speak my truth with courage and confidence."


Affirmation: "Healing light surrounds my mind, body, and soul."


Affirmation: "I trust my intuition and allow it to guide me each day."


Affirmation: "I can overcome anything I set my mind to."


Affirmation: "I am completely focused on fulfilling my life purpose."

Amphibole Quartz

Affirmation: "I am deeply connected to the angelic realm."

Angel Aura Quartz

Affirmation: "I am deeply connected with my angels and higher self."


Affirmation: "I am open and ready to receive angelic guidance."

Apache Tears

Affirmation: "I am supported and comforted as I allow myself to grieve."


Affirmation: "I work relentlessly each day to achieve my goals."


Affirmation: "I am open and ready to receive guidance from higher realms."


Affirmation: "I clearly and calmly express my most authentic truth."


Affirmation: "I am deeply connected to the energy of Mother Earth."


Affirmation: "I receive Divine messages easily and clearly."


Affirmation: "My past does not determine my future."


Affirmation: "I am flexible, adaptable, and embrace change in my life."


Affirmation: "I draw upon the nurturing energy of the Earth to heal."


Affirmation: "I am moving into alignment with my inner knowing."

Black Agate

Affirmation: "I release all behaviors that no longer serve me."

Black Kyanite

Affirmation: "I am living in alignment with my Divine purpose."

Black Moonstone

Affirmation: "I am open and ready for new beginnings in my life."

Black Obsidian

Affirmation: "I release negative energy within and around me."

Black Onyx

Affirmation: "I am focused and can do anything I set my mind to."

Black Tourmaline

Affirmation: "I am safe, secure, and protected wherever I go."


Affirmation: "My mind, body, and spirit are capable of healing."

Blue Agate

Affirmation: "I am at peace with myself and the world around me."

Blue Aragonite

Affirmation: "Inspiration flows to me easily and effortlessly."

Blue Aventurine

Affirmation: "I have the power to create positive change in my life."

Blue Calcite

Affirmation: "I do not allow outside influences to disturb my inner peace."

Blue Chalcedony

Affirmation: "I express myself clearly, calmly, and authentically."

Blue Goldstone

Affirmation: "I am worthy of success, abundance, and prosperity."

Blue Howlite

Affirmation: "I am ready to begin on my healing journey."

Blue Kyanite

Affirmation: "I am open to receiving Divine guidance from my spirit guides."

Blue Lace Agate

Affirmation: "I express my thoughts authentically and with clarity."

Blue Quartz

Affirmation: "My mind is clear, calm, and collected."

Blue Sapphire

Affirmation: "I remain focused each day on achieving my goals."

Blue Topaz

Affirmation: "I communicate my thoughts with confidence and clarity."

Botswana Agate

Affirmation: "I release all habits and behaviors that no longer serve me."


Affirmation: "I send out positive, loving energy each day."

Bumblebee Jasper

Affirmation: "I am ready to manifest my greatest dreams and desires."


Affirmation: "I allow the Divine spirit to guide me through life."

Caribbean Calcite

Affirmation: "I am calm and at peace with myself and others."


Affirmation: "I am full of creative energy and new ideas."


Affirmation: "My mind is filled with loving and peaceful thoughts."


Affirmation: "I am filled with the healing energy of the Universe."


Affirmation: "I open my mind to new ideas and possibilities."

Chevron Amethyst

Affirmation: "I am ready to embark on my spiritual journey."


Affirmation: "I am creating a life of passion and purpose."


Affirmation: "I am not afraid to communicate my wisdom and truth."


Affirmation: "I allow compassion, patience, and love to fill my heart."


Affirmation: "I attract prosperity easily and effortlessly into my life."


Affirmation: "I am worthy of attracting success and prosperity into my life."

Clear Quartz

Affirmation: "I have the power to manifest all my dreams and desires."

Crazy Lace Agate

Affirmation: "I am so grateful for all the amazing blessings in my life."

Dalmatian Stone

Affirmation: "I release all negative thoughts that are holding me back."

Desert Rose

Affirmation: "I am calm, relaxed, and trust the Universe to guide me."


Affirmation: "I give myself permission to heal and move forward."

Dragon Blood Jasper

Affirmation: "I am filled with courage, vitality, and strength."


Affirmation: "My mind is focused and ready to learn new information."

Elephant Jasper

Affirmation: "I am ready to ascend to higher realms."


Affirmation: "My heart is open to receiving Divine love."

Enhydro Quartz

Affirmation: "I am adaptable, balanced, and centered."


Affirmation: "I walk my path with love, kindness, and courage."

Fancy Jasper

Affirmation: "I will continue working towards my goals no matter what."

Fire Agate

Affirmation: "My fears will not stand in the way of my goals."

Fire Opal

Affirmation: "I am filled with passion, energy, and enthusiasm."

Fire Quartz

Affirmation: "My thoughts are clear, grounded, and focused."

Flower Agate

Affirmation: "I am living life to the fullest and reaching my potential."


Affirmation: "I am a channel for love, light, and wisdom."

Garden Quartz

Affirmation: "I let go of past hurt and allow myself to heal."


Affirmation: "I am passionate and enthusiastic in all areas of my life."


Affirmation: "I easily attract success and prosperity into my life."

Golden Healer

Affirmation: "I am filled with the healing energy of the Golden Ray."

Golden Obsidian

Affirmation: "I am mentally strong and embrace my personal power."


Affirmation: "I am successful and abundant in all areas of my life."

Grape Agate

Affirmation: "Being intuitive comes easily to me now."

Green Agate

Affirmation: "My mind and body are strong, healthy, and balanced."

Green Apatite

Affirmation: "I give myself permission to stop and breathe."

Green Aventurine

Affirmation: "I am worthy of everything I desire in life."

Green Calcite

Affirmation: "I release my pain and forgive those who have hurt me."

Green Fluorite

Affirmation: "My thoughts are clear, organized, and grounded."

Green Garnet

Affirmation: "I am a magnet for Divine abundance."

Green Jade

Affirmation: "I effortlessly attract abundance into my life."

Green Moonstone

Affirmation: "I am calm, relaxed, and deeply in touch with my emotions."

Green Opal

Affirmation: "I have the strength and courage to move forward and heal."


Affirmation: "I am confident and not afraid to speak my truth."

Herkimer Diamond

Affirmation: "I am attuned to the white light of the Divine."

Honey Calcite

Affirmation: "I am ready to take immediate action to achieve my goals."


Affirmation: "I am calm and allow myself to experience a deep sleep."

Iceland Spar

Affirmation: "I release the past and focus entirely on the present moment."

Imperial Jasper

Affirmation: "I let go of my insecurities and embrace who I am."

Indigo Gabbro

Affirmation: "I embrace the light and shadow sides of myself."


Affirmation: "I receive Divine messages clearly and easily."


Affirmation: "I am grounded and protected from negative influences."

K2 Jasper

Affirmation: "I am insightful, intuitive, and deeply connected with my spirit guides."

Kambaba Jasper

Affirmation: "I am Divinely guided by the universe."

Kiwi Jasper

Affirmation: "I draw upon the loving energy of Mother Earth to heal."


Affirmation: "My heart is open to unconditional Divine love."


Affirmation: "I welcome change and transformation into my life."

Lapis Lazuli

Affirmation: "I will stand up for what is right and speak my truth."


Affirmation: "I allow myself to express my inner femininity."


Affirmation: "I move through life knowing I am safe and protected."

Lava Stone

Affirmation: "I embrace change and new beginnings in my life."


Affirmation: "I am in tune with my higher self and the world around me."Chakra: Third Eye
Element: Wind
Vibration: 3
Zodiacs: Gemini, Sagittarius

Healing properties: Enhances visualization and amplifies the energy of positive affirmations. Helps one refrain from engaging in addictive and harmful behaviors. Greatly improves focus and self-discipline in mental pursuits, and is effective for students or professionals with heavy workloads.

Leopard Skin Jasper

Affirmation: "I treat myself with kindness and compassion."


Affirmation: "I am strong, capable, and independent."

Lithium Quartz

Affirmation: "I am calmer and more relaxed with each deep breath I take."


Affirmation: "I am calm and at peace, and all that I seek is already within me."

Mahogany Obsidian

Affirmation: "I have the ability to achieve anything I desire."


Affirmation: "I choose to radiate love, kindness, and positive energy."

Maligano Jasper

Affirmation: "I open my mind to new perspectives and possibilities."


Affirmation: "I am ready to completely transform my life."

Mookaite Jasper

Affirmation: "I am calm and embrace change with an open mind."


Affirmation: "The energy of the Divine Feminine flows through me."


Affirmation: "I am worthy of receiving love from others."

Moss Agate

Affirmation: "I draw upon the energy of Mother Earth to heal."


Affirmation: "I am kind, patient, and gentle with myself."

Ocean Jasper

Affirmation: "The healing energy of the ocean flows within me."


Affirmation: "I am becoming the best version of myself."


Affirmation: "I interpret messages I receive from the spirit world with ease."

Orange Aventurine

Affirmation: "I release fear and look toward the future with hope."

Orange Calcite

Affirmation: "My mind is filled with new, creative ideas."

Peach Moonstone

Affirmation: "I am open and accepting of change in my life."


Affirmation: "I welcome abundance in all areas of my life."

Petrified Wood

Affirmation: "I effortlessly apply spiritual insights directly to my life."


Affirmation: "My higher self has all the answers I need."

Picture Jasper

Affirmation: "I no longer allow fear and self-doubt to rule my life."


Affirmation: "I allow my intuition to lead me to my true purpose in life."

Pink Agate

Affirmation: "I am worthy of receiving unconditional love."

Pink Aragonite

Affirmation: "Love flows through me easily and freely."

Pink Aventurine

Affirmation: "I easily turn my creative ideas into a reality."

Pink Calcite

Affirmation: "I am compassionate and gentle with myself and others."

Pink Opal

Affirmation: "I am calm and my mind is filled with peaceful thoughts."Chakra: Heart
Element: Water
Vibration: 9
Zodiac: Cancer

Healing properties: An effective stone for anyone who experiences excessive fear and panic attacks due to its soothing effect during times of distress. Excellent sleeping aid due to its ability to calm the mind. Promotes deep emotional healing, especially healing subconsciously held pain.

Pink Tourmaline

Affirmation: "I am ready to begin on my healing journey and move forward."

Polychrome Jasper

Affirmation: "I am grounded and ready to take action towards my goals."

Poppy Jasper

Affirmation: "I have the mind, heart, and spirit of a warrior."


Affirmation: "I have the courage to stay true to myself."


Affirmation: "I trust what the universe has in store for me."

Preseli Bluestone

Affirmation: "I move forward by letting go of the past."

Purple Agate

Affirmation: "I trust my own insights and allow my intuition to guide me."

Purple Fluorite

Affirmation: "I am connected to my inner guidance."


Affirmation: "I am prosperous, abundant, and successful."

Quantum Quattro

Affirmation: "Healing energy flows freely through my mind and body."

Rainbow Fluorite

Affirmation: "I am organized and disciplined in all areas of my life."

Rainbow Moonstone

Affirmation: "My mind is open to new possibilities and opportunities."

Rainbow Obsidian

Affirmation: "I release pain and allow myself to move forward."

Rainforest Rhyolite

Affirmation: "I believe in my ability to succeed in anything I put my mind to."

Red Aventurine

Affirmation: "I am energized and committed to achieving success."

Red Jasper

Affirmation: "I am filled with strength, courage, and vitality."

Red Tiger's Eye

Affirmation: "I am successful, confident, and strong."


Affirmation: "I gently release past pain with grace, compassion, and love."


Affirmation: "I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life."

Rose Quartz

Affirmation: "I radiate love, beauty, confidence, and grace."


Affirmation: "I take action towards my goals without fear."

Ruby Fuchsite

Affirmation: "I am healthy, happy, and optimistic."

Ruby Zoisite

Affirmation: "I radiate love, appreciation, and gratitude each day."

Rutilated Quartz

Affirmation: "I allow myself to pursue my Divine purpose."


Affirmation: "I am filled with strength, courage, and vitality."


Affirmation: "I connect to the angelic realm with ease."


Affirmation: "I am at one with myself, the Earth, and the universe."

Septarian Nodule

Affirmation: "I am transforming myself into a more positive being."


Affirmation: "I am surrounded by the protective wings of my angels."


Affirmation: "I allow healing energy to flow through me easily and freely."


Affirmation: "I communicate my inner knowing with ease."

Shiva Eye Agate

Affirmation: "My mind, body, and spirit are protected from harm."

Shiva Lingam

Affirmation: "My emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies are unified."


Affirmation: "I am shielded from negative energy and influences."


Affirmation: "I trust my intuition to guide me in the right direction."

Silver Obsidian

Affirmation: "I trust what the universe has in store for me."

Smoky Quartz

Affirmation: "My spirit is deeply grounded in the present moment."

Snowflake Obsidian

Affirmation: "I am in touch with the hidden parts of myself."


Affirmation: "I am grateful for all the unique talents I have been given."


Affirmation: "My thoughts are clear, focused, and grounded."

Spirit Quartz

Affirmation: "I am deeply connected with the spiritual realm."


Affirmation: "I connect to the higher realms with ease."

Strawberry Quartz

Affirmation: "My imagination and creativity flows effortlessly."


Affirmation: "I am worthy of love and I accept myself for who I am."


Affirmation: "I am filled with vibrations of love, light, and joy."

Super 7

Affirmation: "I am attuned to my higher purpose in life."

Tangerine Quartz

Affirmation: "I am passionate and enthusiastic in all areas of my life."


Affirmation: "I receive messages from other dimensions with ease."


Affirmation: "I move through life knowing I am protected from harm."

Tiger Iron

Affirmation: "I have the power to shape my own destiny."

Tiger's Eye

Affirmation: "I have the strength to overcome challenges and setbacks."

Tourmaline Quartz

Affirmation: "My mind, body, and spirit are protected and grounded."

Tree Agate

Affirmation: "I am devoted to my personal and spiritual growth."


Affirmation: "My higher self has all the answers I need."


Affirmation: "I express myself from a place of calmness, love, and truth."


Affirmation: "I accept myself just the way I am in this present moment."


Affirmation: "I have the strength to complete what I set out to do."


Affirmation: "I have everything I need to create happiness within."

White Jade

Affirmation: "My mind is still and my body is relaxed."

Yellow Aventurine

Affirmation: "I am filled with joy, creativity, and confidence."

Yellow Calcite

Affirmation: "I am alert, focused, and attentive at all times."

Yellow Jade

Affirmation: "I am motivated and confident as I work towards my goals."

Yellow Jasper

Affirmation: "I radiate joy, enthusiasm, and positive energy each day."

Zebra Jasper

Affirmation: "I remain optimistic despite any difficulties I face."

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